Aries Harvest Full Moon

full moon rituals Sep 30, 2020

This altar was offered with Love in Avalon by Achintya & Sunshine.

The Aries Harvest Full Moon is exact Thursday, October 1 at 2:05pm PDT / 5:05pm EDT.

We are living at a time on Earth where there is an acceleration of simultaneous Beauty, Grace, Upheaval and Conflict in both our inner and outer worlds. And. All this is here to serve the Great Design of why you/we are here, Now.

With the Moon in Aries and the Sun in Libra, now is an auspicious opportunity release excess baggage on all levels and initiate the shifts needed to live your dreams and desires. With gratitude for all the lessons and gifts from the past season, it is now time to ignite the inner flames of your wild heart’s passion, strength, determination, commitment, ambition and your soul’s beauty.Now is the window to break any chains of illusion, burn away disempowering beliefs, spark the remembrance of your truth and rise into new dimensions of trust, creativity, expression, harmonious relations,...

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Pisces Full Corn Moon

full moon rituals Aug 30, 2020

The Pisces Full Corn Moon is exact on Sept 1, 2020 at 10:22pm PDT / Sept 2, 2020 6:22am GMT

With this Full Corn Moon in Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac, we are able to reap the the joys, lessons, insight, and experience from all the previous signs and implement their teachings by seeing through the lens of ‘being in many worlds at once’. The symbol for Pisces, with one fish swimming downstream and another swimming upstream, is an invitation to enter into the power of integrating duality, incorporating both the inner and the outer realms, the light and the dark, the highs and the lows and to activate the wisdom of polarity (like 2 magnets coming together in their opposite nature), to create something anew / the trinity codes of potential /  a “third door” of possibility.

With the Sun in Virgo, and Venus at the Rose Gate of the 3rd Eye and Inner Sight, this is a Seeress / Priestess Moon to activate and ground your visions and dreams. For one and...

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Eclipse Full Moon in Capricorn & Sirian Star Gate

full moon rituals Jul 03, 2020

The final of the Holy Trinity of Eclipses is here this weekend! Along with a Sirian Stargate Activation! Whoa.

This Capricorn Penumbral Lunar Eclipse takes place at 9:32 pm PDT on July 4 / 12:32am EDT on July 5 with the Full Moon in Capricorn exact at 9:44 pm PDT July 4, 12:44 am EDT July 5.

With the eclipsing Moon in Capricorn, the structures, constructs, patterns and traditions of your life and our collective that have been built on a foundation of distortion, inequality, fear or falsity are crumbling. This may feel like the carpet is being pulled out from underneath you. This may feel intense. And, it is. This great eclipse of the moon, caused by the Earth’s shadow, is here to catalyze an illumination and then release, of all the ways you have governed your life from a place of fear to initiate a new foundation rooted in trust, wisdom and love.

Let the full moon’s luminosity and eclipsing shadow penetrate into your being to deconstruct what achievement,...

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Lunar Beltane - Scorpio Flower Super Moon

full moon rituals May 06, 2020

The Full Moon in Scorpio, takes place at 3:45 am PDT on May 7th.

This Lunar Beltane Super Moon is  the climax and completion of our Beltane Portal! Can you feel the shifting of energies within? An amplification of your sixth sense, womb & heart pulsing and feeling between the worlds? A potent activation on the spiral of life is happening with the light of this moon.

With the Taurus Sun and Scorpio Moon, this is a time of celebrating your fertile dreams, honouring your erotic nature, and releasing deep emotions. Hidden treasures and tribulations connected to sensuality and sexuality are illuminated. Through shadow and light, this can reveal your greatest womb power and womb wounds for revelation, healing and empowerment!

This Full Moon activates an opening for you to reclaim your sensual and sexual power and to amplify your pleasure, worth and sovereignty. To rise in your truth and come home to the precious inner sanctum of your Womb Temple, the seat of your...

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Pink Rose Libra Full Moon

full moon rituals Apr 07, 2020

The Pink Rose Libra Full Moon is exact today at 7:35pm PDT

This Full Moon of the Pink Rose rises tonight as the Sun sets in close alignment to where the Sun rose at Equinox. This initiates (Sun in Aries) the Venusian Libra Rose Moon to act as a reflector and transmitter to illuminate yet again the Equinox mysteries. Thus, this Full Moon amplifies the energy of the Sacred Marriage / Cosmic Egg activated by the Serpent of Fire (Venus & Mars reflected in the Sun and Moon) for the integrated relationship of the masculine and feminine, seen and unseen, above and below, within and without. The Pink Moon is created by the white and red serpentine energies of the Sacred Marriage to unite and birth the Trinity and is seen in the current Holy Week (Easter & Passover) energetics of Life / Death / Rebirth and Resurrection portrayed in lives of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua.
Our current Global Events have created a powerful initiation for us collectively, that parallels these Sacred Mysteries...

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Leo Full Moon

full moon rituals Feb 08, 2020

Art by Cosmic Collage

This Leo Full Moon blesses us with her fiery energy on Feb. 8th at 11:33pm PST. The Leo Full Moon is exact on February 8th at 11:33pm PST.

With this Leo Super Moon, Solar Imbolc yesterday and Venus (connected to the Heart in her current cycle) shifting to Aries - the Empowered Alpha Point - the Fires of Initiation are lit and so is the Path of your Becoming!

Sister. You are bridging past and future. You are being initiated into a profound Embodiment of your spirit taking form as we shift from the a time of conception (winter) into matter (spring). Solar Imbolc ushers in the Earth’s own magnificent Emergence & is a gateway to receive the depths of your unique soul coding to Shine your Love into the World.

Welcome the Maiden part of yourself. She has insight for you. This Innocence is linked to the primal force of creation as Eros comes alive through all of Gaia. As you make the choice to Embody Self and welcome the Rebirth of the Light within...

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12.12.12 Portal & Gemini Full Moon 2019

2019 full moon rituals Dec 11, 2019

RELEASE & RISE UP! Enter the 12-12-12-12-12 Portal!

The Gemini Full Moon is exact on the 12th day of the 12th month in a 12 year (2+0+1+9=12) at 12:12am ET!

This Full Moon illuminates both shadow and light and calls for us to integrate them both with the Light Codes coming forth. 12 is a number of Sacred Completion and Wholeness, Reincarnation and Higher Consciousness. These incoming Diamond Light Codes are for the greatest embodiment of your soul self and our shared mission as a Family of Light to bridge Heaven and Earth to Birth our Golden Age. Allow the Light Codes of the Celestial Heavens to bless your body, mind, and soul.

Trust and Surrender are key. This is simultaneously a descent into your innermost chambers to release the past and a rise in celebration for all the blessings and lessons of the past year, and entire decade. This paradox is a Gemini moon code revealing opportunities for multi-faceted communication cosmically,...

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Taurus Full Moon 2019

2019 full moon rituals Nov 11, 2019

On November 12th at 5:34 am PT, the full moon is exact.

This Taurus moon (ruled by Venus) activates our earthy, sensual nature. It is time to delight in and take exquisite care of our bodies and the body of Mother Earth. There is a powerful portal open for prayer, forgiveness, celebration, self-love, sensuality, earthy eroticism and grounded bliss. With the sun in Scorpio, this full moon shines on our deepest feelings and sacred desires related to our emotional depth, pleasure, connection, and freedom. It can bring up where you limit these essential parts of your life so you can release them and make new choices for your life that support your Sovereignty and Empowerment. You may feel an urge to sing and dance in both release and rejoice. To make love or to sob. Whatever is your truth, express your feelings with your body. When you allow this to flow through you, you activate healing and transformation within and all around you and our greater collective.

Shaman's Moon...

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Aries Full Moon 2019

2019 full moon rituals Oct 12, 2019

Photo of Achintya Devi by Rachel Shilah, with edits by Achintya


The Aries Hunter's Moon is exact on Sunday, October 13th at 2:08pm PDT

This bright moon is called Hunter's Moon because it made it easy for hunters to see prey in preparation for the winter ahead.  It is shaking our foundation loose of any falsity in our lives to return again to our center, to our true power and strength.

We are experiencing a time on Earth where there is an acceleration of simultaneous Beauty, Grace, Upheaval and Conflict in both our inner and outer worlds. And. All this is here to serve the Great Design of why you/we are here, Now. For you to come into the full embodiment of Truth, Wisdom, Power and Love. To unite your soul and body. For us collectively to unite Heaven and Earth.

With this Full Moon in Aries (ruled by Mars) and conjunct Eris (Goddess of needed upheaval & twin of Aries) it is time to light up your Warrioress Within. This is a Moon to BOTH complete (full moon) & burn...

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Aries Full Blood Moon

2017 full moon rituals Oct 05, 2019

The Aries Hunter's Blood Moon is exact today October 5th at 11:40am PDT.

This bright moon is called Hunter's Moon because it made it easy for hunters to see prey in preparation for the winter ahead. This moon is also the Harvest Moon being closest to the Equinox. And, it is also called the Blood Moon. It is shaking our foundation loose of any falsity in our lives, from within our blood lines... our very DNA, to return again to our center, to our true power and strength.

With so much upheaval and conflict in our inner and outer worlds and with the Moon in Aries, ruled by Mars, the God of War, we have the opportunity to ignite the inner and outer (r)evolution of our lives by releasing our anger, rage, and fear in healthy ways, as to avoid continued internal tension and external aggression.
The Aries Moon Medicine is also lighting us up to take external action as the (r)evolutionary and contribute with our voice, energy, money (any form of action) to participate in the change we...

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