Leo Full Moon

full moon rituals Feb 08, 2020

Art by Cosmic Collage

This Leo Full Moon blesses us with her fiery energy on Feb. 8th at 11:33pm PST. The Leo Full Moon is exact on February 8th at 11:33pm PST.

With this Leo Super Moon, Solar Imbolc yesterday and Venus (connected to the Heart in her current cycle) shifting to Aries - the Empowered Alpha Point - the Fires of Initiation are lit and so is the Path of your Becoming!

Sister. You are bridging past and future. You are being initiated into a profound Embodiment of your spirit taking form as we shift from the a time of conception (winter) into matter (spring). Solar Imbolc ushers in the Earth’s own magnificent Emergence & is a gateway to receive the depths of your unique soul coding to Shine your Love into the World.

Welcome the Maiden part of yourself. She has insight for you. This Innocence is linked to the primal force of creation as Eros comes alive through all of Gaia. As you make the choice to Embody Self and welcome the Rebirth of the Light within you, allow for the Great Mother’s Fertile energy to embrace you, as you embrace all you are navigating.

Amplified feelings, emotions, and intuition come to light to catalyze renewal and regeneration at the level of the heart and soul. It is a time of purification to breakthrough adversity and resurrect self-love, unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, truth and power. And it is a time to liberate and celebrate the wild soul that you are!

In this significant time of transformation, worry, hesitation, doubt and mistrust may arise. Know that these challenges are part of your alchemical process. Stay steady. The Fires of Purification are burning away all illusion - until the the Truth of who you are remains.  This is the Priestess Path!
Call upon the Royal Rose Lions of Sirius & Lyra in this Leo full moon to support continued releasing of distortion AND to empower the royal illumination of your heartfelt and passionate Self! It is time to Rise as the Queen of your life! ROAR that which has been holding you back, and that which you are reclaiming! This celestial activation ignites creativity,  inspired passion and devotional desires for offering your gifts as sacred service in the world on the Path of your Becoming.  And so it is! 


    •    Tarot: High Priestess

    •    Herbs: Hyssop, Balm of Gilead, Myrrh, Sage

    •    Colours: Light blue, Violet

    •    Stones: Amethyst, Jasper

    •    Animals: Otter, Eagle, Unicorn

    •    Goddesses: Brigid, Quan Yin, Diana

    •    Medicine: rising energy, purification, new growth, honoring and forgiving yourself, self-love, accepting responsibility, future planning and design


Leo Full Moon Ritual

This potent ritual is offered in love to your Bright Soul! The intention of this ritual is to empower you in releasing anything that may be preventing you from living in the fullest expression of your Wild Sacred Feminine Essence and rise in the wisdom, beauty, and truth that you are. Blessings to you!
    •    Build a fire and bask in the radiant flames. Let the heat penetrate your body. Let the colours into your eyes, empty yourself of thoughts and allow for the flames to guide you deep within. If you can't build a fire, then light some candles and bask in the full moon's light if possible.

    •    Write down all the things in your life that you were told you couldn't do, or weren't allowed to do and all the beliefs that arose from that. Take your time with this...

    •    Then Reflect on how this makes you feel, speak your feelings, write them down and allow your body to express these feelings.

    •    Now investigate how this has affected your life and may still be affecting you. Again, take your time.

    •    Then offer to the fire all the parts the beliefs that are not true, that you may have been living with. Honour them for their time with you and now they are no longer needed. Sacred. Deep. Release.

    •    Dance Dance Dance! If with a fire, let the heat of the fire soften your body and move in ways that make you feel free and empowered. Dance your truth. Dance your heart and soul.

    •    Speak aloud what you are capable of, and the truth of who you are! Speak your wisdom and what your passions are. You can start each sentence with I Am.... and claim your truth. Run wild with this! When you feel complete (and maybe after many tears...) Repeat, "And so it is!" as many times as you like. This will anchor in and affirm your sacred truths.

    •    Finally, write down these truths, so that you can refer back to it when you need reminded of your power.

    •    Close with gratitude and long deep breathing. Or, continue in whatever way feels most resonant for you.

    •    Remember: Put out your gemstones and jewels in a window or in water for cleansing, renewal and activation. Preferable in salted water (sensitive stones and jewels leave out the salt part).

    •    Commune: Gather is an intentional way with loved ones and do the above ritual together if possible for extra potency and support. Now is a such a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective.

Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, of and after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Blessings to you in this powerful and wild and powerful time.


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