Aries Harvest Full Moon

full moon rituals Sep 30, 2020

This altar was offered with Love in Avalon by Achintya & Sunshine.

The Aries Harvest Full Moon is exact Thursday, October 1 at 2:05pm PDT / 5:05pm EDT.

We are living at a time on Earth where there is an acceleration of simultaneous Beauty, Grace, Upheaval and Conflict in both our inner and outer worlds. And. All this is here to serve the Great Design of why you/we are here, Now.

With the Moon in Aries and the Sun in Libra, now is an auspicious opportunity release excess baggage on all levels and initiate the shifts needed to live your dreams and desires. With gratitude for all the lessons and gifts from the past season, it is now time to ignite the inner flames of your wild heart’s passion, strength, determination, commitment, ambition and your soul’s beauty.

Now is the window to break any chains of illusion, burn away disempowering beliefs, spark the remembrance of your truth and rise into new dimensions of trust, creativity, expression, harmonious relations, sovereignty, empowerment and love.

With this Harvest Moon in Aries, the opportunity is here to deepen into your Greatest Gratitude and light up your Warrioress Within. This is a Moon to both reflect and to amplify. To commune and celebrate. To share honour and reverence. To spark inspiration or (r)evolutionize your life. You may be called to sing, dance or be still. You may be ready to start something new or give death to something in your life. It may also be the time for you to release anger, rage, frustration or fear in healthy ways, to avoid continued internal tension and external aggression. Use the power of Fire wisely and it will support you fiercely.

The Aries Moon Medicine is also igniting you to take external action as the (R)Evolutionary and Warrioress by contributing your voice, energy, money (any form of action) to participate in the change you wish to see and Be in the world.

Your presence to embody both your inner Sacred Feminine and inner Sacred Masculine stimulates needed Awakening, Remembrance and Reclamation for us all!
    •    What do you wish to ignite or re-ignite in your life?

    •    What gifts are you reclaiming?

    •    What is ready to be released?

    •    What is being catalyzed within you?

    •    How are you called to Revolutionize?

Whatever inspires you, move in that direction. Blessed Be.

Harvest Moon Attributes:

    •    Astrology: Artist's Moon, closest full moon to autumnal equinox

    •    Tarot: Strength

    •    Herbs: Copal, Fennel, Wheat, Valerian

    •    Colors: Brown, Yellow-Green, Yellow

    •    Stones: Citrine, Peridot, Tiger’s Eye, Olivine, Amethyst

    •    Animals: Snake, Jackal, Sparrow

    •    Goddesses: Ceres, Isis, Freya

    •    Medicine: Rest after labor, Mabon, Autumn Equinox, Balance of light & dark, Organize, Clean out Mental/Physical/Emotional/Spiritual Clutter


Harvest Moon Ritual Suggestions

    •    Gratitude Harvest Altar & Release: Gather fruits and vegetables. Flowers and grains. Create an altar of abundance, representing all you are in gratitude of. List all the things you are grateful for in your life from this year so far and place this in the moonlight (outside or window) to attract more experiences to be grateful for. Write down all the things you are ready to release, change or shift and either bury them, burn them or offer them to a body of water.

    •    Dream Speak: Pay close attention to your dreams tonight and through the weekend. Record them in a journal and speak them out loud. Only by writing them down or speaking them will the sometimes subtle (or not so subtle) meaning and message be revealed to you.

    •    Make Space: Time to go through your cupboards, closet, garage etc... and let go of the excess. Spaciousness feels so good and you open yourself up to more internal power and creative life-force.

    •    Be Still: With so much frequency shift happening now, simply closing your eyes to pay attention to your breath to pause for 5 minutes will do wonders for your nervous system (especially if you can do this 3 times a day, and longer than 5 if possible. Do what you can). Make sure to get a long and full sleep.

    •    Tea Medicine: Drinking Tulsi & Gotu Kola herbal tea will soothe your nerves and calm your spirit. This also allows you to open up to magical and bountiful blessings being offered.

    •    Earthing Creativity: Illuminate your dreams and get into your body! Create a vision board or a painting or dance or write in your journal all that you are bringing with you into the next season ahead. Place this out into the moonlight/speak it/sing out loud.

    •    Moon Bathe: Get into the magic of the moonlight and absorb her luminous, activating, soul-stirring and healing balm. Look to the moon and speak the visions and dreams that you see for yourself and for the planet.

    •    Remember: Put out your gem stones and jewels in a window or in water for cleansing, renewal, and activation. Place an apple and glass of water in the moonlight and have it for a 'Moon Wisdom' breakfast the next morning.

    •    Commune: Gather in an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now can be a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective. (See invitation below).

Harvest Moon Spotify Playlist


Welcoming you 33 songs of Blessings and Celebrations!

Go to Harvest Moon Spotify Playlist Here

Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, day of, and day after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Blessings to you in this wondrous and magical time.

With Full Moon Love, Achintya


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