Virgo Sage Moon

2016 full moon rituals Feb 20, 2016

What do we take with us from winter's wisdom into spring? What do we leave behind? The Sage Moon Archetype is represented by the High Priestess and Virgo is the Divine Feminine and the 'Virgin'. In this Full Moon, we are called to illuminate Self Sovereignty. The word 'virgin' originally meant "whole unto oneself". What does it mean to be sovereign unto oneself? What does it feel like to be in our full power? At this full moon, we are asked to explore with a mystical lens (Pisces Sun) all the ways in which we give our power away and how we can reclaim it.  The moon reflects to us the importance of activating our inner discernment, wisdom and intuition to ground our visions and dreams to earth. This is to embody our Wise Woman/Sage/Priestess.

The portal is open for us to reclaim our power by taking responsibility for our actions, thoughts, and spoken words. At this time, we are summoned to the mindset/paradigm of choosing, creating...

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Leo Wolf Moon

2016 full moon rituals Jan 21, 2016

Wild Sacred Blessings on this first Full Moon of 2016!

We have begun the year off with some potent power. Welcome to 2016 Full Wolf Moon in Leo (Indigenous Tribes of North America gave names to each of the moons, in relation to their qualities connected to nature and the seasons).

The Sacred Wolf Medicine, representing 'Teacher', great wisdom, wildness and inner freedom is beckoning our attention. Maybe you are already feeling it in your bones and are ready to dance and howl! This Wolf Moon reminds us the importance of expressing our heart's truth and our wildness, to live feeling free. Connected with Leo, this moon mirrors the importance of reflecting our light from within, discovering and sharing our greatest gifts, and expressing our creativity from authenticity to expand in true sovereignty, as Wild Queen!

This full moon also illuminates the shadows that need clearing / healing / transforming, which are often thoughts and beliefs preventing us from living in our...

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Lunar Samhain New Moon in Scorpio

2015 full moon rituals Nov 08, 2015

This Dark Moon of November 11th, Lunar Samhain, can be considered 'The Real Hallow's Eve', and is the cross-quarter Holy Day on The Wheel of the Year, half way between Equinox and Solstice. The Scorpio theme for the next moon cycle is about connecting with our passions and emotions that lie in the deep watery realms within our womb space and dream space and to FEEL them. To listen to them. Acknowledge them. Celebrate them. It is a time to dive into our subconscious and affirm our courage to step into the mystery, into the unknown.

Lunar Samhain Rituals
1) Take Off The Mask:  Feel into any ways that you may be inauthentic with yourself and any masks that you may be wearing that aren't serving the essence of who you are. Draw or paint these out or write them down and then lay to rest any of the false faces that you may be wearing. In this way, the more you peel away the masks that aren't you, the more you can rise into the truth of who you are, right now, and emerge...

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Harvest Blood Moon Eclipse

2015 full moon rituals Sep 24, 2015

This phenomenal cosmic occurrence will take place in the skies on Sunday Sept 27th at 7:48pm PST. 

Regardless if you can see it or not, it is possible that you can feel the eclipse from within. If you aren’t already.

Eclipses signify shift, transition, working/playing with both the light and the dark, the seen and unseen, and simultaneous endings and beginnings. In this seasonal change, we are in a portal of transformation that can catalyze a significant frequency shift with how you experience your relationship to consciousness, to the unknown, to Great Spirit/God/Goddess, to other’s and to yourself.

With the lunar eclipse in Aries and the Sun in Libra, now is an auspicious opportunity to release excess baggage on all levels and initiate the shift needed to live your dreams and desires. With gratitude for all the lessons and gifts from the past season, it is now time to ignite the inner flames of your wild heart’s passion, strength,...

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Pisces Corn Moon & Empress Ritual

2015 full moon rituals Aug 28, 2015

Art by Tanzer Dragon

This Super Corn Moon in Pisces brings forth an opportunity to revere every stage of life and practice great acceptance of the creation cycle. It's time to reap and harvest the lessons, gifts and reflections from this year as the seasons begin to hint at change. It is also time to 'clean house' both internally and externally and release any excesses not needed.
Corn Moon is honoured as foundational sustenance provided by Mother Earth and is mirrored as the Empress, she who understands the cycle of all life. The Empress knows that to fully experience and appreciate the gift of living, we must experience its entirety, from all facets. Both Pisces and The Empress show us that we must be open and ready to accept all feelings and emotions that may arise from the depths our soul; happiness, joy, love, pain, anger, loss and sadness, and remind us to deny none of them. What is born and created will eventually die and so we must make the most of each magical...

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Blue Moon: Rising In Possibility

2015 full moon rituals Jul 31, 2015

We are living on the continuum of time and space where unprecedented shifts can and are happening in our lives and in our consciousness. This Aquarian Blue Moon energy happening NOW offers a unique portal of grounding our desires and dreams to the earth, so that we can live them. We are becoming adept to what is and what is not working in our lives and getting more clear as to what we truly want and need in our lives, specifically related to the relationships of the heart (Venus retrograde). As we come closer to our heart knowing, shedding away what no longer serves us is very much on the front burner. Thus, this can also be a time of the crumbling tower, a time to release frustrations, hurts, anger etc... through a healthy pathway and then attune to the frequencies of trust, desire, possibility, service and love. When we align our selves to these frequencies, we can be empowered to make clear choices and experience peace and contentment, even when the...

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Capricorn Blessing Moon

2015 full moon rituals Jun 30, 2015

This full moon in Capricorn (along with major celestial alignments) has our deepest desires illuminated and we are asked to ground them to the earth, so that we can live them now, for the benefit of our own lives, and for the planet. There is no more waiting around. It's time for passionate activation.

Along with the Full Moon, a truly phenomenal dance is taking place in the sky with Jupiter and Venus (I hope you have been looking to the western sky to see) and this Full Moon glow brings the fullness of their astrological medicine to us; the expansion of our own growth & abundance, of our wisdom and our capacity to feel and experience love.

A few other important dances in the sky important to note are Mars and Sun in Cancer and Pluto aligned with the Moon in Capricorn. This is the call to action to step into our own inner authority, empowerment and responsibility for what we are...

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Sagittarius Honey Full Moon

2015 full moon rituals Jun 02, 2015

This Sagittarius full moon comes at a time of significant transition for the collective as we feel into our deepest dreams and ideals (the target), by activating our devotional embodiment practices (the arrow), held with the wisdom and truth in our hearts (the bow).

Making clear and honest choices towards our greatest dreams is highlighted right now. The blue flame of the Sag moon invites us into deeper Presence, so that we can explore important paths/options/choices to support our direction from our bodies intuitive guidance, rather than solely from the logical mind.  

This is also a time of celebration for all that is ripe in your life, whether this be related to an attitude of gratitude, completing a job well done or for embodying uplifting qualities, symbolized by the Honey Moon. Therefore, it is important to reward or honour yourself in some way and remain in a state of...

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Flower Moon Scorpio Beltane

2015 full moon rituals May 02, 2015

Traditionally, Beltane is a Celtic fire festival in celebration of fertility, passion and the waking of Mother Earth from winter's slumber into the blossoming of Spring. Thus, this is known as the Flower Moon and is an invitation for you to also blossom into the fullness of your passion and pleasure.

With the moon in Scorpio, we are navigating through the watery depths of ourselves, to know, but mostly to feel what our truest desires are. You are being called to investigate yourself with the translucent light of the moon and set free any surfacing conditions that keep you chained to beliefs and programming (whether from society, religion, or self etc) that keep you from FEELING amazing and LIVING your purpose and your gifts.Now is the time when are deepest fears can come to light so that we can see them and transform them. This weekend, welcome these fears if they surface, and embrace them. See them for what they are, and set yourself free by jumping through the fires of...

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GAIA BLOOD MOON ECLIPSE: Radical Soul Awakening

2015 full moon rituals Apr 03, 2015

We are in POWERFUL full moon eclipse energy.

The moon medicine and opportunity now is nothing less than radical soul awakening. If we choose it. The portal is already open beloveds and this eclipse is a gateway for us to ignite (Aries) deeply feeling love (Libra) as the core of who we are and shed any fears that may have kept us feeling safe, but small. It is now time to tune in to the seemingly strange occurrences taking place. This BLOOD MOON is shaking our foundation loose of any falsity in our lives, from within our blood lines... our very DNA, to return again to our center, to our true power and strength. This is deep, potent, medicine. In this is time of great polarity; Sun/Moon, Mars/Venus, Aries/Libra, we are being catapulted into new landscapes within our awareness and being called to remember that Great Spirit/God/Goddess dwells inside of us. We are being summoned from our core to rise together in wisdom, truth and love for radical soul awakening....

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