Blue Moon: Rising In Possibility

2015 full moon rituals Jul 31, 2015

We are living on the continuum of time and space where unprecedented shifts can and are happening in our lives and in our consciousness. This Aquarian Blue Moon energy happening NOW offers a unique portal of grounding our desires and dreams to the earth, so that we can live them. We are becoming adept to what is and what is not working in our lives and getting more clear as to what we truly want and need in our lives, specifically related to the relationships of the heart (Venus retrograde). As we come closer to our heart knowing, shedding away what no longer serves us is very much on the front burner. Thus, this can also be a time of the crumbling tower, a time to release frustrations, hurts, anger etc... through a healthy pathway and then attune to the frequencies of trust, desire, possibility, service and love. When we align our selves to these frequencies, we can be empowered to make clear choices and experience peace and contentment, even when the storms may be intense.

This Full Moon also marks Lughnasadh and Guru Purnima.

Lughnasadh is the Celtic Holy Day, half way between Solstice and Equinox. This is a festival time dedicated to gathering together and celebrating all that we are grateful for in a myriad of ways.

Guru Purnima is the special day that happens once a year to honour our Gurus, our teachers, those that illuminate the light from the dark and bring truth from untruth.

Blue Moon Attributes

   •     Tarot: The Tower
    •    Colours: Blue, Indigo, White, Silver
    •    Stones: Spirit quartz, Aqua Aura quartz
    •    Animals: Dolphin, Raven, Unicorn, Owl
    •    Goddesses: Oya, Nuit
    •    Medicine: Spontaneity, Sudden changes, Soul Connection, New & Rare Opportunity, Awakening

Ritual Suggestions

   •    Speak Truth for Release & Renewal: Write down any current negative thoughts and beliefs you have about yourself, others and life. When you feel ready to let them go, shred up the paper and either bury or burn it. Then write down your true/positive beliefs about yourself, others and life and your visions for your life/ for the planet, in present and first person. Example “I am living in gratitude and celebration for my amazing home space and life partner.... I am…. “ Place this paper under the moon to magnify your dreams, visions and truth. Add crystals and symbols to represent your written words.
    •    Moon Bathe: Get into the magic of the moonlight and absorb her luminous, activating, soul stirring and healing balm. Look to the moon and speak the visions that you see for yourself and for the planet.
    •    Remember: Put out your gem stones and jewels in a window or in water for cleansing, renewal and activation. Place an apple and glass of water in the moonlight and have it for a 'Moon Wisdom' breakfast the next morning.
    •    Commune: Gather in an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now can be a powerful  time to be with the energy of the collective. (See invitation below).
Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, of and after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Blessings to you in this wondrous and magical time.

Wild Moon Love, Achintya

*Included references for Moon Attributes: Moon Magick by DJ Conway


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