Solstice Blessings Summer 2019

2019 solstice Jun 20, 2019

Artist Unknown, please email us if you know. Thank you.

Blessed Solstice! The Sun moves into Cancer at 8:54am PDT on June 21 to open this powerful Solar Gate and High Holy Sabbat.

Solstice comes from the Latin term solstitium, “meaning sun stands still”, as it appears to do just that for a few days. In the northern hemisphere, we celebrate Summer Solstice with the longest hours of daylight and the sun at its highest point, while those of us in the southern hemisphere celebrate Winter Solstice with the longest hours of darkness and the sun at its lowest point. United, we hold the both the light and the dark and the full spectrum in between.

The Solstice portal is open from June 21 - 24 and is a Holy time of purification, exaltation and celebration.

Honour the potent Solstice energy with joy as we embrace the Wild Sacred Light of the Sun itself, the Light within all Beings and the Love that shines within us, that is who we truly are. This is also a time for you to...

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Blessed Solstice & Full Moon in Sagittarius

Did you know that this Solstice aligned with the Full Moon is a rare event in the Skies that hasn't happened in 70 years? Amazing, right!?! 

Auspiciously, this is also the second Sagittarius full moon in a row. We are in a time of significant transition for the collective as we feel into our deepest dreams and ideals (the target), by activating our devotional embodiment practices (the arrow), held with the wisdom and truth in our hearts (the bow).

In the northern hemisphere, we celebrate the longest hours of daylight as those of us in the southern hemisphere celebrate the longest hours of darkness. United, we hold the both the light and the dark and the full spectrum in between.

We can celebrate the potent Solstice energy as we embrace the Wild Sacred Light within all Beings and Honour the love that shines in our own selves. At this time of Illumination, may we remember that our inner fires allows us to move through any fears that keep us from our truth.


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