Samhain Rituals

2017 samhain Oct 31, 2017

Blessings fellow Priestesses and Witches! Samhain (pronounced "sow" - "when") is the cross-quarter Holy Day on The Wheel of the Year, half way between Autumnal Equinox and Solstice that marks the beginning of the Celtic New Year in the Priestess traditions and in many cultures around the globe. It is the end of one cycle and the beginning of another as we enter into the dark and stillness where all creation dies and begins anew.

All Hallow's Eve is October 31 and marks the opening of the Samhain portal that extends until the new moon of November 18th this year. This is time to honour those that walked before us on the path of life and give our respect to our ancestors through offerings and deep listening. The medicine during this liminal portal is truly about connecting with the unseen realms and our own unconscious to deeply feel the emotions, beliefs and feelings that lie in the deep watery realms of the soul that we tend to discard.
Instead of casting away...

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Scorpio Lunar Samhain Rituals

2016 samhain Oct 28, 2016

This Dark Moon in Scorpio of October 30th, Lunar Samhain, can be considered 'The Real Hallow's Eve', and is the cross-quarter Holy Day on The Wheel of the Year, half way between Equinox and Solstice. It is the end of one cycle and the beginning of another lunar cycle, seasonal cycle, and solar cycle as we enter into the dark and still time where all creation begins anew.The Scorpio theme for the next moon cycle is about connecting with the intensity of our passions and emotions that lie in the deep watery realms within our our soul and to FEEL them. To listen to them, greet them, FEEL what wishes to remain, and what is needed to be released and cleared to die a sacred death of our illusions and what may be holding us back. It is a time to dive into our subconscious and affirm our courage to step into the mystery, into the unknown. A time to honour those that walked before us on the path of life and give our respect to our ancestors.

Lunar Samhain Rituals

Take Off The...

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