Autumn Equinox 2020

equinox Sep 20, 2020

Photo from our Avalon Pilgrimage 2019 on Equinox at Stonehenge by Melissa Robin

This Autumn Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere is on September 22nd at 6:30am PDT.

At this special time, day and night are of equal length as Mother Earth takes a sacred pause in Her rotation around the Sun. On The Wheel of the Year, this Holy Day in the Northern Hemisphere is celebrated as Mabon (pronounced in many different ways May-bun, May-boon, May-bawn). Mabon is considered a time of the Great Mysteries. It is a time to honour the Sun Gods and Goddesses, the Harvest, and the Spirit World.
This is a time of balance, to slow down and reflect, enjoy the bounty of our harvests (whether this be from your gardens, your friendships, and family, your work or your personal achievements) and also to prepare for the next season by welcoming the gifts of the darkness to release, let go, give away, share and shed (whether physically, emotionally, mentally or all the above).

This is a potent moment to honour...

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Autumn Equinox and Mabon Rituals 2019

2019 equinox Sep 23, 2019

This Autumn Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere is on September 23rd.

At this special time, day and night are of equal length as Mother Earth takes a sacred pause in Her rotation around the Sun. On The Wheel of the Year, this Holy Day in the Northern Hemisphere is celebrated as Mabon (pronounced in many different ways May-bun, May-boon, May-bawn). Mabon is considered a time of the Great Mysteries. It is a time to honour the Sun Gods and Goddesses, the Harvest, and the Spirit World.

This is a time of balance, to slow down and reflect, enjoy the bounty of our harvests (whether this be from your gardens, your friendships, and family, your work or your personal achievements) and also to prepare for the next season by welcoming the gifts of the darkness to release, let go, give away, share and shed (whether physically, emotionally, mentally or all the above).

This is a potent moment to honour the light and the shadow within your Womb, Heart & Mind. To honour the human part of you...

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Autumn Equinox and Mabon Rituals 2018

2018 equinox Sep 21, 2018

Gratitude Dance with Rainbow & Apple Tree Devas in Avalon.

This Autumn Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere is exact at 6:54pm PDT on September 22nd and Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere is exact on September 23 at 11:54am in Australia.

At this special time, day and night are of equal length as Mother Earth takes a sacred pause in Her rotation around the Sun. On The Wheel of the Year, this Holy Day in the Northern Hemisphere is celebrated as Mabon (pronounced in many different ways May-bun, May-boon, May-bawn). Mabon is considered a time of the Great Mysteries. It is a time to honour the Sun Gods and Goddesses, the Harvest, and the Spirit World.

This is a time of balance, to slow down and reflect, enjoy the bounty of our harvests (whether this be from your gardens, your friendships and family, your work or your personal achievements) and also to prepare for the next season by welcoming the gifts of the darkness to release, let go, give away, share and shed (whether...

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