Eclipse Portal Support

2018 eclipse Jul 13, 2018

This New Moon in Cancer & Partial Solar Eclipse have come and now we are in the eclipse portal!

Over the next month we will experience 3 eclipses, July 12th was a Partial Solar Eclipse on the New Moon, July 27th is a Total Lunar Eclipse on the Full Moon (longest of THE CENTURY) and finally, August 11th is another Partial Solar Eclipse on the New Moon, just after the Lion's Gate Portal of 8/8 opens.If didn't already know, you can now see there is a LOT of celestial activity happening!! So... Why does this matter?We are in for a POWER-FULL month of amplification, illumination, and transformation! Eclipses signify shifts, completions, endings, releasing and new beginnings, directions and openings.

In our LIVE Sister Circle, we share more deeply about the significance of these current energies in the cosmos, how they relate to us on Earth and specific ways for how you can nourish, support and empower yourself (and loved ones) physically, emotionally, and psychically during...

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Lughnasadh Aquarius New Moon Eclipse

2017 eclipse Aug 05, 2017

The Aquarius Lughnsadh Full Moon is exact on August 7th at 11:11am PST and the Lunar Eclipse is exact at 11:22 am PST.

Lughnasadh, (pronounced Loog-NAS-ah), also known as Lammas falls on August 1st in the Gregorian calendar. In our Moon Priestess traditions, we celebrate Lunar Lughnasadh on August 7th this year, which is a partial lunar eclipse in the sign of Aquarius.

At this time of fruition, integration and reflection, take time to honour the seeds you've planted and celebrate this time of the first Harvest and your creative powers.

The visionary Aquarian Corn 'Empress' Full Moon (partial) Eclipse coupled with Leo Sun offer a unique window of 'shining' and offering our desires and dreams, to be seen and witnessed, so that we can embody them more fully in devotion to the planet. We are becoming adept to what is and what is not working in our lives through the lens of how we contribute to the world.

This is also known as the Corn Moon.

Corn Moon Attributes

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Leo Full Sage Moon Lunar Eclipse

Art by Sister Isabel Mariposa Galactica

This Leo Full Moon blesses us with her fiery energy on Feb. 10th at 4:33pm PST | 7:33pm EST. 

With this also being a lunar eclipse, it is a powerful transitional gateway of shift to release that which no longer uplifts you and illuminate your heartfelt and passionate self to roar as the wise leader of your own life (Leo). Now is the time to manifest your heart's sacred desires and offer your gifts to serve in the world with a sense of responsibility (Tarot of the High Priestess).

This is a pivotal window for us as a collective where our feelings, emotions, and intuition come to light to catalyze renewal and regeneration at the level of the heart and soul. It is a time of purification to breakthrough and resurrect your self-love, truth and power. And it is a time to liberate and celebrate the wild soul that you are!


    •    Tarot: High Priestess

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