11/22 Gemini Full Moon 2018

2018 full moon rituals Nov 21, 2018

The Gemini Full Moon is exact on November 22 at 9:40pm PST / November 23rd 12:40am EST & 5:40am GMT.

This a Master Number Full Moon and the Stargate is OPEN!

11 is the Master Angelic number of inspiration, intuition, illumination, and embodied spiritual awakening for anchoring Heaven to Earth.

22 is the Master Builder number associated with the Christos Light of Mary Magdalene and Her Beloved Yeshua, to bring dreams to reality, and the Light of your higher self into Embodiment.

33 (when you add 11 + 22) is the Master Humanitarian number of resurrecting our Christ Light Divinity into our purpose/service/work and co-create with devotion to benefit All.

This Gemini full moon, governed by the Element of Air, humbly illuminate our personal shadows and integrate them into the Light Codes coming forth for in this great portal from Nov 21 - 25. We are in a dualistic time of intensity and restoration as the upcoming 11/22/33 Gemini Full Moon is the apex for the influx of light code...

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Taurus full moon 2018

2018 full moon rituals Oct 21, 2018

This Taurus Full Moon is exact on Oct 24 9:45 am PDT. 

Taurus Full Moon simultaneously illuminates the innermost chambers of our body as a temple to experience cosmic bliss and is a time of expressing gratitude to Mother Earth and all the blessings of the past year. This time is an invitation be take the grounded action needed for transformation and healing in your personal life and the collective consciousness (particularly relating to ancestral bloodlines in the realms of love, connection pleasure & sensuality).

Taurus Moon (sensuality) + Scorpio Sun (sexuality) =  one of the most potent sign combinations in the zodiac! This is an alchemical union of primordial and mystical energy that can set your soul on fire into ecstatic freedom!
Also called the Full Hunter's Moon which is derived from the approach of winter signaled the possibility of going hungry in pre-Industrial times. This moon was generally associated with great honour, serving as an important feast day in...

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Aries Harvest Full Moon 2018

2018 full moon rituals Sep 23, 2018

The Aries Harvest Full Moon is exact on September 24th at 7:52 pm PDT.

We are living at a time on Earth where there is an acceleration of simultaneous Beauty, Grace, Upheaval and Conflict in both our inner and outer worlds. And. All this is here to serve the Great Design of why you/we are here, Now. For you to come into the full embodiment of Truth, Wisdom, Power and Love. To unite your soul and body.

With this Harvest Moon in Aries, the opportunity is here to deepen into your Greatest Gratitude and light up your Warrioress Within. This is a Moon to both reflect and to amplify. To commune and celebrate. To share honour and reverence. To spark inspiration or (r)evolutionize your life. You may be called to sing, dance or be still. You may be ready to start something new or give death to something in your life. It may also be the time for you to release anger, rage, frustration or fear in healthy ways, to avoid continued internal tension and external aggression. Use the power of...

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Autumn Equinox and Mabon Rituals 2018

2018 equinox Sep 21, 2018

Gratitude Dance with Rainbow & Apple Tree Devas in Avalon.

This Autumn Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere is exact at 6:54pm PDT on September 22nd and Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere is exact on September 23 at 11:54am in Australia.

At this special time, day and night are of equal length as Mother Earth takes a sacred pause in Her rotation around the Sun. On The Wheel of the Year, this Holy Day in the Northern Hemisphere is celebrated as Mabon (pronounced in many different ways May-bun, May-boon, May-bawn). Mabon is considered a time of the Great Mysteries. It is a time to honour the Sun Gods and Goddesses, the Harvest, and the Spirit World.

This is a time of balance, to slow down and reflect, enjoy the bounty of our harvests (whether this be from your gardens, your friendships and family, your work or your personal achievements) and also to prepare for the next season by welcoming the gifts of the darkness to release, let go, give away, share and shed (whether...

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Lughnasadh Aquarius Full Moon Eclipse 2018

2018 full moon rituals Jul 25, 2018

The Full Blood Moon is exact in Aquarius at 1:20 pm PDT on July 27th. And 1 minute later comes the Total Lunar Eclipse at 1:21 pm PDT. This is the longest Lunar Eclipse of the century!
It is also Lunar Lughnasadh, (pronounced Loog-NAS-ah), also known as Lammas. This High Holy Day on the Wheel of the Year, half way between Summer Solstice and Autumnal Equinox, is a sacred Harvest Festival of Gratitude and Abundance (in the Gregorian calendar, it is honoured on August 2nd). The energy and celebration is alive through the weeks after the peak of this eclipse.
As the intensity of the Eclipse is present, it is both seen in the electromagnetic field of the earth, and felt in the electromagnetic field of our own bodies. This is simultaneously a time of fruition, integration, reflection and release. Both celebration and completion energy are dancing within and all around us. We are personally, and therefore collectively clearing, out the old and making way to receive and Embody more light...

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Eclipse Portal Support

2018 eclipse Jul 13, 2018

This New Moon in Cancer & Partial Solar Eclipse have come and now we are in the eclipse portal!

Over the next month we will experience 3 eclipses, July 12th was a Partial Solar Eclipse on the New Moon, July 27th is a Total Lunar Eclipse on the Full Moon (longest of THE CENTURY) and finally, August 11th is another Partial Solar Eclipse on the New Moon, just after the Lion's Gate Portal of 8/8 opens.If didn't already know, you can now see there is a LOT of celestial activity happening!! So... Why does this matter?We are in for a POWER-FULL month of amplification, illumination, and transformation! Eclipses signify shifts, completions, endings, releasing and new beginnings, directions and openings.

In our LIVE Sister Circle, we share more deeply about the significance of these current energies in the cosmos, how they relate to us on Earth and specific ways for how you can nourish, support and empower yourself (and loved ones) physically, emotionally, and psychically during...

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Capricorn Strawberry Honey Moon

2018 full moon rituals Jun 26, 2018

Original Artist Unknown. Art Edits by Achintya Devi

The Capricorn Full Moon is exact on June 27th at 9:53 pm PDT.

This Full Moon asks us to ground our deepest desires and dreams to the earth and live them now! For the benefit of our own lives, and for the planet. There is no more waiting. It is time for passionate activation!

(This Moon is also known as the Honey Moon, Mead Moon, Mermaid Moon and the Full Rose Moon)

This Capricorn Moon portal reflects to us the need to make important choices in our lives in order to bring these deep dreams and desires forward. If you have been on the fence about something, it's time to act! Your body holds the wisdom and guidance for all your answers. Listen within and move in the direction that feels good in your heart, wombspace and intuition. Remember, the universe always rewards you for trusting your gut!

This powerful Full Moon glow amplifies your capacity to experience joy, pleasure and love in your body as sacred medicine. You are...

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Sagittarius Full Moon 2018

2018 full moon rituals May 28, 2018

Pic of Achintya Devi & Joanna Ameya for Priestesses Of The Moon. Original by Mariana Schulze, Art Edits by Achintya.

This Full Moon in Sagittarius takes place at 7:19 am PDT on May 29th. 

This is the first full moon since Uranus went into Taurus for this next 8 year cycle.
This Sagittarius full moon comes at a time of significant transition for the collective as we feel into our deepest dreams and ideals (the target), by activating our devotional embodiment practices (the arrow), held with the wisdom and truth in our hearts (the bow).

Making clear and honest choices towards our greatest dreams is highlighted right now. The blue flame of the Sag moon invites us into deeper Presence so that we can explore important paths/options/choices to support our direction from our bodies intuitive guidance, rather than solely from the logical mind.  
This is also a time of celebration for all that is ripe in your life, whether this is related to an attitude of gratitude, completing a...

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Lunar Beltane ~ Scorpio Full Moon

2018 full moon rituals Apr 28, 2018

Fire Ritual at our Aphrodite Goddess Yoga Arts Gathering in Mexico this week. Photo by Melissa Robin.

This Full Moon in Scorpio takes place at 5:58pm PDT on April 29th.

Welcome to the Fire Festival of Lunar Beltane (northern hemisphere)! This High Holy Day on The Wheel of The Year (half way between Equinox and Solstice) is a time of celebrating your fertile dreams, body, and soul, springing forth into new life. Just as a flower blooms, in this Flowering Moon, you are being invited to honour yourself for all the ways in which you are already expanding and unfolding. Gratitude and Self-Love Rituals to nourish the body and mind are especially powerful right now. As the Moon is in Scorpio, this is also a time where the depths of your soul and psyche may emerge from the darkness into the Light of the Full Moon for you to shed and release, to experience revelations and powerful insight and to renew.

This is a time of celebrating sensual delight, as all rituals of...

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Reclaiming Friday the 13th Love Spell

2018 full moon rituals Apr 12, 2018

Ecstasis Divinitus and Blessed Friday the 13th!

This day and night of the Goddess is honoured by Priestesses and Witches for its power and magick. I invite you to shed (if you haven't already) the patriarchal spell that was cast on Friday the 13th and spread as a day of bad luck and evil.

This is truly such an auspicious day! Did you know?

Any month’s 13th day will fall on a Friday if the month starts on a Sunday. Friday is the day of Venus (Viernes, Vendredi), the 'Goddess of Love' planet herself! 13 is a potent number of sacred mysteries in both of the dark and light attributes of the Goddess.

Significances of the Number 13

  • There are 13 Moon cycles in a year
  • 13 degrees of movement in the moon's passage
  • The ancient Lunar calendar had 13 months
  • A traditional coven has 13 members
  • 13 Archetypes of the Goddess
  • 13th Apostle was Mary Magdalene
  • In the Hebrew faith, age 13 is considered to be an adult
  • There are 13 cards of each suit in a deck of cardsand
  • 13 Tones in the Mayan...
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