FOOL'S MOON: Reclaim Self Sovereignty

2015 full moon rituals Mar 04, 2015

Image of Achintya Devi by Logan Jiva

With the Full Moon in Virgo (Divine Feminine and the 'Virgin'), we are called to Self Sovereignty. The word 'virgin' originally meant "whole unto oneself". What does it mean to be sovereign unto oneself? How can we be in our full power in a healthy way? At this full moon, we are asked to explore with childlike curiosity all the ways in which we seek to blame/control others and thus give our power away. We are asked to reclaim our power by taking responsibility for our actions, thoughts and spoken words. At this time, we are summoned to the paradigm of choice, creation and accountability. Step forth, dear one, to ask for what you need, express your heart with gratitude and celebrate the truth and power of your innocence, generosity, compassion and love. Now is the time to create your human experience from a grounded place of humility, focused intention, service and beauty. This is our Moon Medicine.


  • Tarot: The...
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SAGE MOON: Full Moon Of The High Priestess

2015 full moon rituals Jan 31, 2015

Image by Susan Seddon Boulet

We are met with the Radiance of Leo during this second Full Sage Moon of 2015 and Full Moon of The High Priestess. This is an invitation for us to shine our light and gifts into the world. It is a time of creativity, open-hearted connection (whether romantic or not). This time calls for us to be engaged with our emotional wisdom and intuition and how we bring this forth into the expression of our daily lives.

Also at this time, our nervous systems become more sensitive. Our internal projections are amplified and our intuitive insight is heightened. In the fiery Leo energy mixed with the airy Aquarius Sun, our emotions, physical sensations and subconscious beliefs can create a wildfire. It is through our conscious awareness and practice that we can direct this wildfire to one that is in service to our health, happiness and holiness and that of the planet.


    •    Tarot: High Priestess

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2015 full moon rituals Jan 04, 2015

We begin the year off with some potent power. Welcome to 2015 Full Wolf Moon in Cancer. Wolf medicine represents the 'Teacher' and great wisdom. Wolf is now howling to us, reminding us to embrace our wildness and our truth. Connected with Cancer, this moon reflects to us the importance of honouring our body and emotional intelligence. We are being pulled to the past to clear/heal/transform any thoughts and beliefs preventing us from living our fullest potential and making way for quantum awakening within. When we allow our surfacing emotions to be embraced, we open up for deep messages of wisdom to come through us. May we be gentle with ourselves and create some space to be in the supportive energy of hibernation.


    •    Tarot: The Star
    •    Herbs: holly thistle, nuts and cones
    •    Colors: white, lavender,...

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