Virgo Priestess Full Moon 2019

2019 full moon rituals Feb 18, 2019

Copyright photo Goddess Rising

We are in the transition phase on the Wheel of the Year from one season towards another. If you are in the northern hemisphere, what do you take with you from winter's wisdom into spring? What do you leave behind? If you are in the southern hemisphere, what do you take with you from summer's joy into autumn? What do you leave behind? 

This Full Moon in Virgo assists in releasing what no serves you and can align you with the Priestess and Medicine Woman within, as Virgo is the Divine Feminine and the 'Virgin'. In this Full Moon, we are called again to illuminate Self Sovereignty.

The word 'virgin' originally meant "whole unto oneself". What does it mean to be sovereign unto oneself? What does it feel like to be in our full power? At this full moon, we are asked to explore with a mystical lens (Pisces Sun) all the ways in which we give our power away and how we can reclaim it.  The moon reflects to us the importance of...

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Lioness Full Moon Eclipse 2019

2019 full moon rituals Jan 18, 2019

Pic by Achintya of Goddess Sekhmet in Egypt

The Total Lunar Eclipse is exact on January 20th at 6:36 pm PST | 9:36 pm EST followed by the Leo Full Moon on January 20th at 9:16pm PST / January 21st at 12:16 am EST.

With all planets moving forward at this time of our upcoming lunar eclipse, we are in a powerful transitional gateway to release that which no longer uplifts or support you to live as your sovereign Queen self and embody Heaven on Earth. This is one of the most powerful astrological events of 2019! The full moon and total lunar eclipse in Leo empowers you to illuminate your heartfelt and passionate self, ROAR that which has been holding you back, and Rise as the Queen of your own life (Leo) to serve in this great time of birthing a Golden Age on Earth. This celestial transition ignites your heart's desires to offer your gifts in serving in the world with a sense of devotion, inspiration, and...

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Taurus Shaman's Full Moon

2019 full moon rituals Nov 02, 2017

The full moon in Taurus is full of magick on Friday, Nov 3rd at 9:23pm PDT, Nov. 4th at 12:23pm EDT if you're on Eastern and 4:23am GMT.

This Shaman's Taurus Full Moon simultaneously illuminates the innermost chambers of our body as a temple to experience cosmic bliss in celebration of love, is a time of expressing gratitude to Mother Earth and all the blessings of the past year, and is an invitation be the grounded action needed for transformation and healing in your personal life and the collective consciousness (particularly relating to ancestral bloodlines in the realms of pleasure, sensuality & sex).

Taurus Moon (sensuality) + Scorpio Sun (sexuality) =  one of the most potent sign combinations in the zodiac! This is an alchemical union of primordial and mystical energy that can set your soul on fire into ecstatic freedom!

This full moon asks us to illuminate our shadows related to sensuality and sex and 'weed' out what isn't serving. This also relates to how we...

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