Libra Pink Gaia Moon

2018 full moon rituals Mar 29, 2018

The Libra Full Moon is exact on Saturday, March 31st at 5:37am PDT | 8:37am EDT.

At this time of Ostara / Easter / Esotre / Equinox window / this is a Full Moon of Resurrection. As above, so below. The energies of the full moon connect to Christ Consciousness (both feminine and masculine) with Mary Magdalene and Yeshua being deeply honoured. What truth, power and wisdom have you left behind or hidden away that is now ready to come into the light? What is resurrecting within you that will create balance in your life?This Moon is known as the Pink Moon, which was named by Native American Tribes after the pink wildflowers which bloom in early spring, representing new beginnings. It is also called Gaia's Moon from the Farmer's Almanac, referring to all of Nature coming to life after winter. This is a time of celebrating all that has been released from last season and all that is now coming into bloom.

Full moons amplify our emotions and thus in this Full Moon, the emotions related to...

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Virgo Seed Full Moon

2018 full moon rituals Feb 27, 2018

We are just entering into the transition phase on the Wheel of the Year from one season towards another. If you are in the northern hemisphere, what do you take with you from winter's wisdom into spring? What do you leave behind? If you are in the southern hemisphere, what do you take with you from summer's joy into autumn? What do you leave behind? The Seed Full Moon in Virgo assists in releasing what no serves you and can align you with the High Priestess/Medicine Woman within, as Virgo is the Divine Feminine and the 'Virgin'. In this Full Moon, we are called again to illuminate Self Sovereignty.

The word 'virgin' originally meant "whole unto oneself". What does it mean to be sovereign unto oneself? What does it feel like to be in our full power? At this full moon, we are asked to explore with a mystical lens (Pisces Sun) all the ways in which we give our power away and how we can reclaim it.  The moon reflects to us the importance of activating our...

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High Priestess Lioness Full Moon Eclipse

2018 full moon rituals Jan 30, 2018

Art by Sister Isabel Mariposa Galactica

This Leo Full Moon blesses us with her fiery energy on Jan. 31st at 5:27am PST | 8:27am EST. A few minutes later at 5:31am PST | 8:31am EST the Lunar Eclipse is exact.

With this being a lunar eclipse, we are in a powerful transitional gateway of shift to release that which no longer uplifts you and illuminate your heartfelt and passionate self to roar as the wise leader of your own life (Leo). Now is the time to ignite your heart's desires and offer your gifts to serve in the world with a sense of devotion, inspiration and responsibility (Tarot of the High Priestess).

This is a pivotal window for us as a collective where our feelings, emotions, and intuition come to light to catalyze renewal and regeneration at the level of the heart and soul. It is a time of purification to breakthrough and resurrect your self-love, truth and power. And it is a time to liberate and celebrate the wild soul that you are!


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