2015 full moon rituals Jan 04, 2015

We begin the year off with some potent power. Welcome to 2015 Full Wolf Moon in Cancer. Wolf medicine represents the 'Teacher' and great wisdom. Wolf is now howling to us, reminding us to embrace our wildness and our truth. Connected with Cancer, this moon reflects to us the importance of honouring our body and emotional intelligence. We are being pulled to the past to clear/heal/transform any thoughts and beliefs preventing us from living our fullest potential and making way for quantum awakening within. When we allow our surfacing emotions to be embraced, we open up for deep messages of wisdom to come through us. May we be gentle with ourselves and create some space to be in the supportive energy of hibernation.


    •    Tarot: The Star
    •    Herbs: holly thistle, nuts and cones
    •    Colors: white, lavender,...

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