Gemini Cold Moon ~ Super Moon

2016 full moon rituals Dec 12, 2016

We have come to the final full moon of the year! 

On Tuesday, December 13 at 4:05 pm PST | 7:05 pm EST, the moon will be full and in the sign of Gemini. 

With October, November and December of this year, we've had 3 consecutive Super Moons and this Cold Moon is the culmination of these energies before we enter a powerful 2017.

This last super moon of 2016 in Gemini asks us to illuminate our shadows and take responsibility for any communication that still needs to take place for making amends/ for forgiveness/ for clearings. This may be with yourself or other (including your ancestors). What may need to be shared to feel complete before the year closes?

What else needs to be cleared, cut away, or cleaned up all that is no longer necessary in your life? Just as the leaves fall to allow for the silence and spaciousness of winter, we too must let go to make room for new life...

This Full Moon is also the time for us to gather and rise in the power of our sovereignty...

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Taurus Shaman's Super Moon

2016 full moon rituals Nov 13, 2016

On Monday, November 14 3:15 am PST / 6:15 am EST, the moon will be at its closest point to the Earth this year and since January 26, 1948 :

a distance of 221,524 miles (356,508 kilometers) away. This distance, which is measured from the center of the Earth to the center of the moon, is within 85 miles (137 km) of the moon's closest possible point to Earth. Two hours and 37 minutes after perigee (the moon's closest point to Earth), la luna will become full.

This Shaman's Taurus Full Moon is simultaneously an illumination to the inner most chambers of our body as a temple to celebrate with love and gratitude all the blessings of the past year and be the action needed for transformation and healing in the collective consciousness (particularly relating to our ancestral blood line) and Mother Earth.

This super full moon asks us to illuminate our shadows and take responsibility for any seeds we have planted that now need 'weeding', whether in how we walk on the...

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Scorpio Lunar Samhain Rituals

2016 samhain Oct 28, 2016

This Dark Moon in Scorpio of October 30th, Lunar Samhain, can be considered 'The Real Hallow's Eve', and is the cross-quarter Holy Day on The Wheel of the Year, half way between Equinox and Solstice. It is the end of one cycle and the beginning of another lunar cycle, seasonal cycle, and solar cycle as we enter into the dark and still time where all creation begins anew.The Scorpio theme for the next moon cycle is about connecting with the intensity of our passions and emotions that lie in the deep watery realms within our our soul and to FEEL them. To listen to them, greet them, FEEL what wishes to remain, and what is needed to be released and cleared to die a sacred death of our illusions and what may be holding us back. It is a time to dive into our subconscious and affirm our courage to step into the mystery, into the unknown. A time to honour those that walked before us on the path of life and give our respect to our ancestors.

Lunar Samhain Rituals

Take Off The...

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Aries Hunter Super Moon

2016 full moon rituals Oct 13, 2016

This Aries Super Moon (which means that it is closer to the Earth than usual, making it appear larger) sparks new potential, passion, play and possibilities on Oct 15 9:23pm PST/Oct 16 12:23am EST. 

Also called the Blood Moon, this Full Hunter's Moon comes from the approach of winter signaled the possibility of going hungry in pre-Industrial times. This moon was generally associated with great honour, serving as an important feast day in both northern Europe and among many Native American tribes.

Traditionally, Native American hunters used the full moon of October to stalk deer to prepare for the coming winter. Because the fields were traditionally harvested in late September or early October, hunters could also easily see deer and foxes (and other animals) that came out in the full moon to the fields of fallen grains.
With this moon Aries, we welcome in the medicine of new beginnings and initiations. If you are in the southern hemisphere, this harmonizes with your Spring...

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Pisces Full Moon Eclipse

2016 full moon rituals Sep 15, 2016

With this full moon and lunar eclipse in Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac, we are able to reap the the joys, lessons, insight and experience from all the previous signs and implement their teachings by seeing through the lens of the ‘being in many worlds at once’. Looking at the symbol for Pisces, with one fish swimming downstream and another swimming upstream, we can see this as an invitation to enter into the power of experiencing life beyond duality by incorporating both the inner and the outer realms, the light and the dark, the highs and the lows, the up and the down, and synthesize the wisdom of polarity, (like 2 magnets coming together in their opposite nature) and the alchemy of fire and water with celebration.Sister, you are a daughter of the infinite Goddess. Your presence here now invites the awakening of and reclamation of all of you. Your shadow, light and, the rainbow spectrum in between them both. With the Moon is in Pisces, you are asked to rise...

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Corn Moon in Aquarius

2016 full moon rituals Aug 16, 2016

Art by John William Waterhouse

The visionary Aquarian Corn 'Empress' Moon coupled with the last rays of this Leo Sun offer a unique window of 'shining' and offering our desires and dreams, to be seen and witnessed, so that we can embody them more fully in devotion to the planet. We are becoming adept to what is and what is not working in our lives through the lens of how we contribute to the world.

Collectively, we are getting clear as to what we truly want and need in our lives, specifically related to how we offer our dharma and creative gifts as service, as a 'Water Bearer'. As we come closer to our heart truth knowing, we shed away what no longer serves us. Thus, this can also be a time to time to release frustrations, hurts, comparison, anger, doubt, negative self-talk,  etc... and then attune to the frequencies of trust, desire, possibility, service and love. When we align ourselves to these frequencies, we empower ourselves to make...

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Capricorn Blessing Moon

2016 full moon rituals Jul 18, 2016

Magic is afoot! This Capricorn Full Blessing Moon has our deepest desires illuminated and we are asked to ground them to the earth so that we can live them now, for the benefit of our own lives, and for the planet. It's time for passionate celebration and activation!

This Full Moon glow brings a tangible and grounded expansion to our personal growth, sovereignty, abundance, prosperity, relationships, inner wisdom and our capacity to feel and experience love in the body as medicine.

It's time to take stock of all of that we can be grateful for, for all the blessings and abundance already present, as well as what emotional and earthly needs/desires have not been met, and to initiate new ways to getting these met with creativity, support and grace.

Also, in Vedic and Hindu Tradition, it is Guru Purnima! The special Full Moon, one a year, is a time of honouring those that have been and are, our teachers. This moon is dedicated to those who have illuminated us in...

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Blessed Solstice & Full Moon in Sagittarius

Did you know that this Solstice aligned with the Full Moon is a rare event in the Skies that hasn't happened in 70 years? Amazing, right!?! 

Auspiciously, this is also the second Sagittarius full moon in a row. We are in a time of significant transition for the collective as we feel into our deepest dreams and ideals (the target), by activating our devotional embodiment practices (the arrow), held with the wisdom and truth in our hearts (the bow).

In the northern hemisphere, we celebrate the longest hours of daylight as those of us in the southern hemisphere celebrate the longest hours of darkness. United, we hold the both the light and the dark and the full spectrum in between.

We can celebrate the potent Solstice energy as we embrace the Wild Sacred Light within all Beings and Honour the love that shines in our own selves. At this time of Illumination, may we remember that our inner fires allows us to move through any fears that keep us from our truth.


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Sagittarius Flower Moon

2016 full moon rituals May 19, 2016

Making clear and honest choices and action towards your greatest dreams and visions is illuminated in this full moon. The blue flame of the Sagittarius invites us into deeper Presence within, so that we can explore important paths/options/choices to support our life path from our intuitive guidance and body wisdom, rather than solely from the logical mind. It is a potent time to focus on celebrating the paths you have chosen, and give thanks for all the blessings already alive in the form of action.

Just as a flower blooms, in this Flowering Moon, you can take action by honouring yourself for all the ways in which you are already expanding and growing. Self-Love Rituals to nourish the body and mind are especially powerful. This is a time where a new version of the 'bigger picture' of your life may emerge and you may experience revelations to weave and connect the dots in the mythical sense for the path you walk.

Flower Moon Attributes

    •  ...

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Planting Moon Scorpio Beltane

2016 full moon rituals Apr 22, 2016

Traditionally, Beltane is a Celtic fire festival, half way between Equinox and Solstice, in celebration of fertility, the rites of passion and the waking of Mother Earth from winter's slumber into the blossoming of Spring. Thus, this full moon is known as the Planting Moon and is an invitation for you to also blossom into the fullness of your passion and pleasure.

With the moon in Scorpio, we are navigating through the 'fiery' watery depths of ourselves, to know, but mostly to feel what our truest desires are. You are being called to set yourself aflame, with the translucent light of the moon, to spark the passion that lives within you and release any beliefs and programming (whether from society, religion, or self etc) that keep you from FEELING your pleasure and passion and LIVING your fullest potentials.Now is the time when our deepest fears can come to light, to see them and transform them. This week, welcome in these fears if they surface, and embrace them. See them...

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