NOV full moon and thanksgiving // Samhain

2017 full moon rituals Nov 16, 2017

Art by Susan Seddon Boulet

The New Moon arrives November 18th at 3:42 am PST // 6:42 pm EST in the deep water sign of Scorpio. This is Lunar Samhain (when the Dark Moon and Sun are both in the sign of Scorpio).

This moon is a time that beckons us to move from head to heart and from heart to the dark waters of the womb space. The theme for the next moon cycle is honouring yourself as the Wise Woman in this Queen of Death portal, giving your body rest and descending into the depths of your emotional & soul wisdom. This is a powerful invitation from the Great Mystery to step into the unknown, let go, let the Goddess and allow yourself to be held. 

It is a time to do less and be more. Scorpio mirrors to you the medicine of connecting with your passions and emotions that lie within your womb space and dream space and to truly feel them. To listen to them. To honour them and welcome organic insight. Now is a time of the sacred pause, dissolution and hibernation. Powerful gifts await you, when you slow down, rest into the deep unknown and follow the flow of your intuition.

Scorpio, Eagle & Phoenix Blessings unto you in this Lunar Samhain.

Lunar Samhain Rituals

If you didn't already do any of these rituals from Hallow's Eve. They are powerful to do now.
Take off the Mask:  Feel into any ways that you may be inauthentic with yourself and any masks that you may be wearing that aren't serving the essence of who you are. Draw or paint these out or write them down and then lay to rest any of the false faces that you may be wearing. In this way, the more you peel away the masks that aren't you, the more you can rise into the truth of who you are, right now, and emerge more fully as your radiant self.

Honour Your Ancestors:  Write down all the things you are grateful for about your lineage. The gifts you have received. The lessons you have learned. Perhaps you may wish to create an altar for your ancestors. In your unique way, create the space to offer gratitude to those that came before you and acknowledge them for the wisdom that now flows through you. They LOVE it if you make something delicious and offer it to them!

Fire Release Ritual:  You may also wish to connect with the parts of your lineage that may be less than joy-filled. If you desire, you can get in touch with the part of you that feels angry, sad, frustrated and confused about what your bloodline or lineage has passed down to you and offer this into the fires of transmutation (by literally building a fire or safely using a candle). You can write these down or say them out loud, or both. Then, move your body and make any desired sounds to finalize the release. When complete, you can offer any authentic words of forgiveness, empathy, and realizations.
Seed Your Dreams:  Give yourself the gift of moving from your head to your heart and heart to womb space. It's an auspicious time to FEEL your dreams. Your goals. Your desires. Scorpio is all about feeling. Bring any visuals or ideas about what you'd like to experience for your life into the visceral experience of your body. In this way, you are sending out messages to the universe to magnify these experiences into your life. Take some time to literally experience how your desires and dreams FEEL in your body. There is nothing to do right now, except feel. If insight comes for action, wonderful. But please give yourself permission to just be. This is truly the magick of creating your life.


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