Lunar Lughnasadh Aquarius Full Moon 2019

2019 full moon rituals Aug 14, 2019

The Full Moon is / was exact in Aquarius at 5:29 am PDT on August 15th.

This Full Moon is Lunar Lughasadh (pronounced Loog-NAS-ah) in the northern hemisphere. This High Holy Day on the Wheel of the Year, honoured in our Moon Priestess Lineage, is halfway between Summer Solstice and Autumnal Equinox and is a sacred Harvest Festival of Gratitude and Abundance (in the Gregorian calendar, it is honoured on August 2nd and Solar Lughnasadh was last week on Aug 7th when the Sun was 15 degrees Leo). It is at this time that the codes of the Great Mother-Father, Lioness, King-Queen, Activist and Water Bearer are wishing to reveal themselves through you.

With the Sun in Leo (attributed to the “me”) and the Moon in Aquarius (attributed to the “we”), this is a powerful time to align your personal will with Divine Will. To offer your gifts, services and talents to the legacy that we are all here to create together. May we celebrate the this auspicious moment in the glory the full moon’s light!

Today is also Mother Mary's Ascension Day.  We honour and celebrate her now as a sacred Rosa Mystica Guide in our Rose Priestess Lineage. Her living legacy as Essene Rose Priestess, Queen of Angels, Keeper of Grail Mysteries & Divine Mother extends into the far reaches of countless souls on Earth with her benevolence, grace, dedication, courage and wisdom. We greatly revere her on this day in honour of the completion of her Earthwalk and Soul's Mission and ascension to the Heaven's.

At this time of fruition, integration and reflection, take time to honour the seeds you've planted and celebrate this time of the first Harvest and your creative powers. This Full Moon is also known as the Blessing Moon or King's Moon.

Blessing Moon Attributes

    •    Tarot: The Emperor

    •    Herbs: honeysuckle, lemon balm, jasmine

    •    Colours: green, ocean blues, coral

    •    Stones: Ocean Jasper, Lepidolite, Aquarmarine

    •    Animals: crab, turtle, dolphin, whale

    •    Goddesses: Juno, Hera, Sulis, Nephthys

    •    Medicine: Peak of Summer; relaxed energy; preparing; dream-work; Lughnasadh


Lunar Lughnasadh Ritual Suggestions

    •    Water Bearer Gratitude: List all the things you are grateful for in your life from this year in how you serve and share your gifts (truly acknowledge yourself), place this in the moonlight (outside or window) to attract more experiences to be grateful for. Then, write down all the things you are ready to release and either burn them or offer them to a body of water.

    •    Empress Dance: Put on music you love and offer your heart through dance in devotion to how you wish to serve and express your gifts in the world.

    •    Dream Speak: Pay close attention to your dreams and visions in the full moon. Record them in a journal and speak them out loud. Only by writing them down or speaking them will the sometimes subtle (or not so subtle) meaning and message be revealed to you.

    •    Water Bearer Moon Bathe: Get into the magic of the moonlight and absorb her luminous, activating, soul stirring and healing balm. Look to the moon and speak the visions that you see for yourself and for the planet.

    •    Gem Stone Activation Meditation: Place any of the above gemstones (after they have been charged in the moonlight) or ones you are currently working with, on your brow point/third eye either during the full moon or in the sun light to activate your visionary center of intuition and receive the messages that you are ready for. Breathe fully and deeply as you lie down and relax.

    •    Journal Questions: What is a Queen? How does she serve? How can I embody the Archetype of Empress or Queen in my own life? What is a Water Bearer? How am I that? What am I ready to release so that I can serve, express and live more fully? What gifts am I ready to shine?

    •    Remember: Place an apple and glass of water in the moonlight and have it for a 'Visionary Water Bearer' breakfast the next morning.

    •    Commune: Gather in an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now can be a powerful time to be with the energy of the collective.

Full Moon rituals can be done the day before, day of and day after the actual full moon. This is the 3 day potency period. Blessings to you in this wondrous and magical time.

Love, Achintya


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