Libra Phoenix Resurrection Pink Moon

2019 full moon rituals Apr 18, 2019

Copyright photo Goddess Rising

The Libra Full Moon is exact on Friday, April 19th at 4:12 am PDT | 7:12 am EDT.

This is a Full Moon of Resurrection. As above, so below. At this time of Good Friday / Passover, the energies present connect to Christ Consciousness (both feminine and masculine) with Mary Magdalene and Yeshua being deeply honoured and felt.

What truth, power and wisdom have you left behind or hidden away that is now ready to come into the light? What is resurrecting within you that will create balance in your life?

Events of this Holy Week signify potent change and are in a powerful initiation.

This global activation of Notre Dame burning in Paris (built for Mary Magdalene/Temple of Isis) is catalyzing an acceleration of Humanity's Awakening. At deep layers of consciousness, there is a destruction of "manipulating Christ energy" to dominate and control. Distortions and illusions are crumbling and burning. Out of the ashes, from deep within the Earth's crystalline core, rises the Magdalene Phoenix for Rebirth and Renewal of right relationship (Libra Moon) of the masculine and feminine.

The powerful energy present now and through this full moon Easter weekend holds a zero point energy we can utilize both individually and together in co-creation with Gaia to Recalibrate, Rebirth and Renew. For Self within and as a Living Prayer for the Whole.

This Libra Full Moon amplifies the emotions related to our partnerships and relationships is heightened. Remember to practice Self-love, have compassion for other, honour your boundaries and breathe deep.

As this is the second Full Moon in Libra in a row, there a significant completion happening. The last Libra Full Moon on the Equinox was at 0 degrees. This second Libra Full Moon is at 29 degrees. Feel into the relationships you have with yourself, with your heart, your dreams, partnerships, with your global family and with the Earth. What are you grateful for in these relationships? What lessons and insights do you bring with you from this lunation? What needs to be amplified and what needs still needs to be composted, shifted, transformed?  How can you bring beauty to all situations and relationships? How can you accept and integrate both the light and the dark?

This Moon is also known as the Pink Moon, which was named by Native American Tribes after the pink wildflowers which bloom in early spring, representing new beginnings. This is a time of celebrating all that has been released from last season and all that is now coming into bloom.


    •    Tarot: The Magician

    •    Herbs: Basil, Chives, Dragon’s blood, Geranium

    •    Colours: Crimson Red, Fushia & Gold

    •    Stones: Ruby, Garnet, Rose quartz

    •    Animals: Bear, Wolf, Hawk

    •    Goddesses: Hathor, Ceres, Ishtar, Venus, Bast

    •    Medicine: energy into creating and producing; change; self-reliance; tempering emotional flare-ups; receptivity



    •    Authentic Inquiry Journaling: Bring your pen in hand to paper and let your heart answer these potent questions: What truth, power and wisdom have I left behind or hidden away that is now ready to come into the light? What is resurrecting within me that will create balance in my life?What relationship dynamics am I holding on to that may feel safe, but is truly not serving? What do I consciously choose to release and create with love? What am I changing? What am I celebrating? What is the deep unwavering truth of who I am? What do I truly desire? What is shaking loose within me? What does my soul/heart need right now?

    •    Pink Everything: Create an altar space with pink flowers and crystals. Wear pink clothes & jewels. Eat pink fruits & veggies.

    •    Rose Meditation: Visualize a rose glow around your body and opening rose petals at your womb space. Extend this pink glow to all your loved ones and the world for Beauty and Healing.

    •    Make Love: To life, to your garden, to yourself, to your creative arts, to your Beloved, including but not limited to sex, infused with sensitivity, open-heartedness, and passion.

    •    Remember: Put out your gemstones and jewels outside under the moonlight or in a window (in water if you can) for cleansing, renewal, and activation.

    •    Commune: Gather is an intentional way with loved ones and do any of the above together and create your own. Now is a time to be with the energy of the collective.

Howling in the full moon with you in the Rose Glow of LOVE!


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